Modesto Livestock & Poultry Auction

Open Every Monday – Rain or Shine

We accept animals for auction Mondays starting at 7:00am until start of auction (10:00am livestock/11:00am poultry)



  • baby lambs
  • hann and man with baby lamb
  • 2 chickens
  • goat

Livestock and Poultry Auction

Livestock Auction begins at 10:00 am
Poultry Auction begins at 11:00 am

This is one of the oldest, best run, auctions in the state. We have been in business for over 70 years and have enjoyed serving northern California in marketing sheep, goats, hogs, chickens and rabbits.

Rain or Shine, even HOLIDAYS

Large Selection of Animals

We have a large selection of animals, every week. Over capacity crowds, with lots of action. Special attention paid to humane handling of all animals. All Sheep and Goats, MUST be scrapie tagged OR there will be a charge of $2.00 per head for yard personnel to tag the animals. Registered Sheep and Goats are exempt, IF, the registration papers are in the name of the cosigner and the tattoo is readable.

Payment must be made in full before animals can be taken from premises. Once the animals leaves the ring, all Sales are final.

Sorry, we do not sell horses.